Sparks Algebra 2

Believe to Achieve

Week of March 30, 2020


Good afternoon, I hope each of you are doing well! You should have completed the assignment for this week – solve 3-variable systems using substitution method. This is a process which links to the assignments for the next two weeks.

For the upcoming week, you will work on the next two concepts in solving 3-variable systems. The first assignment is solving 3-variable systems using the elimination method. I will have notes posted in Google Classroom. You should copy the notes into your ISN. Copying the notes will help you understand the material. The assignment along with the key are posted in Google Classroom. The second assignment is solving 3-variable systems using matrices. Notes will be posted in Google Classroom and you should copy into your ISN. The assignment is posted in Google Classroom.

You can send me an email or REMIND message with specific questions. Khan Academy, Cool Math and educational Youtube videos are additional resources. Please join REMIND as it is the quickest way to contact you. I will post information regarding the following week next Thursday.

Hard copies of all information should be available for pickup at the high school for those without internet access. It should contain material for both weeks.

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